Tag Archives: Smoothie

Chocolate-Cherry Protein Smoothie

Summer is finally arriving here and I am so glad that it is.

With summer comes the need to stay cool.  I’m really trying to stay away from sugary snacks such as high calorie drinks and ice cream.  Cherries are in season and I was fortunate enough to find them on sale.  I decided to get creative and make myself a healthy, cool drink.  This Chocolate-Cherry Smoothie was just the thing.  It has a nice cherry flavour with just a hint of chocolate.  You would never know it was good for you!

I hope you enjoy.

Chocolate Covered Cherry Smoothie

Chocolate-Cherry Protein Smoothie

1 Cup Almond Milk 

1 Cup Pitted Cherries

1.5 Cups Ice

2 tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

1 TBSP Vanilla Protein Powder ( I like Vega-One)

Toss all ingredients into a  blender and blend until smooth.  Garnish with a drizzle of chocolate syrup if desired.


Some additional tips & ideas for this recipe:

  • Use Homemade Almond Milk if you can.  
  • Use frozen cherries and reduce the ice for a more intense cherry flavour
  • Adjust the protein powder as needed depending on the type you use and the intensity of it’s flavour

Tropical Green Smoothie

I love smoothies.  I commute 45 min to work each morning, so by the time I get up and get ready for the day I find that I just don’t have time for a sit-down breakfast.  Smoothies are nutritious and portable, so they work well for me.  I love the endless combinations of flavours and health benefits.  They are a great way to start the day.

I’ve been playing around with different variations.  I’ve been finding that they are a nice way to sneak some extra greens into the diet.  I used to make smoothies just out of fruit, now all of my smoothies contain some sort of green veggie.  (OK – once in a rare while I still enjoy a fruit only smoothie, but these are a treat.)

This Tropical Green Smoothie is packed with nutrition, and it’s got some zing.  It’s become one of my favourites.

Tropical Green Smoothie

Tropical Green Smoothie

2 Cups Pineapple

1 Cup Mango

1 Large Banana

1/2 inch piece of ginger

3 cups leafy greens (I like spinach or kale)

handful of fresh cilantro (about 1/4 cup)

2 Cups Almond Milk

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Makes about 1 Liter.

You can use fresh or frozen fruit in this recipe.  I usually use a combination of both.  Try it with different greens.  If you are using kale, I suggest removing the rib, otherwise it can add a bit of a bitter taste.

Also try using your own, homemade almond milk!  Blend 1 Cup of almonds with 4 cups of water.  Strain through a nut milk bag.  The left over pulp can be added to cookies, but my favourite thing to do with it is to make a body/face scrub.  Just mix the pulp with 2 Tbsp melted coconut oil for a gentle, moisturizing, exfoliating scrub.  Just make sure to store it in the fridge.

Hope you enjoy!